Themen: Party, people, Halloween, My, Not
Süßes oder Saures?
Unser langjähriger Barkeeper Jason lädt zum großen Fest in die Cantina. Wie es sich für einen ordentlichen Kanadier gehört, wird natürlich Halloween gefeiert. Für Jason ist das bereits Tradition - seine Halloween Partys sind legendär. In diesem Jahr wird jedoch zum ersten Mal in seinem zweiten Wohnzimmer, dem Sage Club gefeiert. Ihr dürft auf eine unglaubliche Deko gespannt sein, denn der arme Jason haust schon seit Wochen zwischen Grabsteinen, Särgen und gruseligen Horror-Figuren.... An den Decks: DJ Guess & friends.
PS: Es wird um kreative Kostüme gebeten! Wer nicht verkleidet kommt, der wird am Einlass professionell geschminkt.
Details & Fotos:
Eintritt mit Kostüm: 9 Euro
Eintritt ohne Kostüm: 15 Euro (Schminken wird nachgeholt!!!)
Jason invites you...
I am one of the biggest Halloween fans! My first Halloween as a kid I do not remember, I do however remember getting dressed up the next day with the intent of doing it all over. To my disappointment I was told by my Mom that Halloween only takes place once a year
something that still upsets me! Years of working different bars and clubs in Berlin has brought me in contact with many people, it does not matter if it was a small cocktail bar, or Sage Club Berlin, the guest all have one thing in common..... the fact that they love to have fun! What I celebrated as a kid in Canada is a good reason to party in Berlin, and this is my favourite party of all! From the first Jasons Halloween Nightmare in the N.N Bar in 1999, where ca 80 100 people showed up, to last years party in the Catloop Lounge with ca 300 people.
Halloween is my party,and over the years a couple of Halloween rules have been made up
the most import being ALL the people at the party are dressed up, whether staff, or guest. It is Halloween, no costume, no party! I do not even let best friends into my nightmare without a costume, and over the years my Halloween Nightmare guests continue to surprise me. Since the costumes get better from year to year, I have happily been forced to get more and more creative concerning the decoration. The planning, and building time has expanded to more than just October, it has now become a year round thing. Now instead of bugging people with Halloween news around August, or September, they find themselves hearing about zombies, coffins, etc in the middle of February.
The location and the party keep getting bigger, to allow for the increase of people that want to experience a good party! My Halloween Nightmare decoration has expanded from simple spider webs and pumpkins, to moving props, a graveyard, a hanging man, a 4meter tall guillotine ,coffins, operating tables ,and much much more. Just setting up the decoration for the party has become a 3day event, not to mention the next 2 after the party, where all my rats etc find their way back into the boxes they live in for the rest of the year.
However you will have to ask for me, cause even most of my friends will not recognize me, to my pleasure I do not recognize them either!